30 December 2016

New Trial Blogger

Hello I'm Lexieby and I'm currently a Trial Blogger.

People call me Lexi or Lexe but its actually Lexie :)

My favorite thing to do on WoozWorld is to go to Trade Centers and hang out with friends:) I hope you see you guys around.

My favorite thing on WoozWorld are the new store outfits to start off the new year:)

I also love Blue!

I enjoy drawing WoozWorld characters and turning them to look like anime characters!

My favorite activity is going outside and playing soccer with my family.

Finally for my last fact, I'm sometimes Socially Akward and sometimes I am Anti-Social.

Thats all for now! I hope you guys start to see a whole lot of me.




New Blogger: Bleatystar-

Hello! o3o I'm Bleatystar- (Or Blea/Blea-chan), and I am a new blogger here on The Woozworld Voice. Here's a bit about myself.

*Many people think my real name is Hoshizora Natsumi but it isn't xD It's just the name of one of my Oc's (OC= Original Character.This term is usually used by manga or anime artists/writers.)

*I am a tomboy all the way xD But I don't mind girlish stuff from time to time.

*I absolutely LOVE the rain.

*My favorite color is blue hence my color code.

*UWAHH I love anime and manga.

*I enjoy drawing manga and I am currently working on my own little manga which does not have the best art due to me starting it during my first years of manga which was 2 years ago so yeah xD

*I like basketball :D

*I'm currently teaching myself Japanese (which is not going too well honestly)

*I am a very young person xD

There's a whole lot more about myself but this is just a bit of things to get you used to my style and stuff. I will also be posting a lot about art and diys/tutorials so look forward to that coming up soon o3o

Blea sigining out!\

Blea-Chan- (Not my art but my favorite anime character)

TRIAL BLOGGER: KindAlexandria

Hello!  I am KindAlexandria, and I am a Trial Blogger!

First of all, I will tell you who I am.

I am Alexandria (short for alex or ali)

My favorite thing on Woozworld is the new hand accessories.

The ONE thing I hate on woozworld is all the scammers -.-

Now some more information.

FC: Pink and Green
FF: Chicken Nuggets (..yeah)
EC: Hazel-ish
My Prized Posession: My new computer (got it the day i'm posting this)
Woozworld user: KindAlexandria

And that's all for now! I will be posting fashion reviews.


29 December 2016

A fresh start

Hey guys,

We're looking forward to 2017. Who isn't?
Next year, we hope to revive the woozworld voice with a whole new set of creative writers, who we are looking for now! If you want to be part of the new movement, click on the become a member page and show us what you are made of!

Looking forward to all of your creative entries!