16 November 2013

What Your Cutie and Makeup Lipstick Says About U

Heyy guys... I was just looking around wzw and I noticed how before every girl I looked at spoke, I could tell by the color of their lipstick what they were going to be like. Today i'm going to share with you my "color" skills -
 Purple Lipstick
 Purple lipstick tells everyone that you want to be "cool" but different and seperated from the crowd at the same time. Most dirty minded girls on Woozworld have the color purple for lipstick. Alot of purple lipstick users are fond/ known to keep quite alot of secrets.
White Lipstick 
The sad truth about white lipstick is that most of woozens who wear white lipstick just want to fit in, and be popular. They can't usually be themselves. About 1/3 of them are insecure. Another trait about White lipstick users is that they usually REALLY want boyfriends and always complain that they are single.
 Pink Lipstick
I think Pink lipstick is pretty much the best one. It practically yells out to everyone, "Hey! I'm a OUTGOING girl! But i'll be your friend to the very end and stick up for ya' if it meant the world!" Alot of pink lipstick users are single, but they are great friends. Pink lipstick tells alot to a guy for a girly color. You're One Of The Best Out Of All You're Friends.
Black Lipstick:
It doesn't nesscisarily mean your goth, it just means that you are having a moment of silence in your life and you DESPERATELY WANT A GUY! It also means you don't want to show you're emotions.'

Don't See Your Color? Don't worry. These are just the very common ones.
Got offended? Don't worry!!! These don't fit for EVERYONE.