24 April 2015

New outfit reviews!!!

Hey guys! Sorry I'm posting so late, but I've been very busy! So today I'm going to be doing my first outfit review, and I'm super duper excited!
Ok sorry dudes, but I only doing girl outfits.LOL. 
HAIR: TBH, I think it's nice but it's missing something. Like the hair should be more beachy curls. SCORE: 7/10 (sorry guys I'm a tough judge)
TOP: OMG it's a crop! Love it! Though I feel like the necklace could be done without. I mean it's a beach oitfit? Not a formal one! SCORE: 8.5/10 
SKIRT; Now this is a pretty FERNTASTIC maxi skirt! Gotta admit, this is pretty amazing. The details, the length, I'm just o.o!!!! SCORE: 9.5/10
SHOES: Ok TBH this is not super amazing. They aren't very unique, and well, the design is just, OK. SCORE: 6/10
Over all: 31/40 This is a nice outfit, but not the best wzw has done.
Hair: ADORABLE!!!!! This is like the next bowtea and I need one! Flawless curls, side pony, bit of bangs just, AMAZING. SCORE: 10/10
TOP: This is so modern chic! So cute and can be used for anything. Colors with the shorts don't match tho, so I would change it. SCORE: 9.5/10
SHORTS: Cute! These are like Gaucho short shorts!!! So cute with the pattern, would be amazing with a bathing suit. SCORE 10/10
SHOES: loafers... Where art thou loafers? Well they shouldnt be HERE! TBH they should have some knee sandles or an anklet. SCORE 5/10
OVERALL: 34.5/40 Amazing! i think I'm going to get this!!!
Ok that's all for now voicers!

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