Don't Trade Woozens with Default Names
Don't Accept Unreasonable Trades
Another way scammers can take easy advantages over your account is by exploiting fake items (or quickly removing real ones in time) and putting this into the trade window. The prime reason for scams from 2012-2013 were fake Deadmau5s being offered in trade. I myself was a victim of such crime, and suffered a loss of one of my own Deadmau5 at the time. If an insane amount of rare items are presented, make sure to ask the trader to wear the items first before accepting the trade. If they refuse, that's a sure sign they are scamming you.
Check If They Are Trusted
Be proactive in checking the trader's Wallz to see if other Woozens who have traded them before left a "Trusted" post on their wall. If none shows or the Woozen's wall is set to Friends-Only, try contacting people who have previously traded them to confirm that they are legitimate. Do not take advice from them or ask people that the traders have specifically referred. Remember, you never know if the people they have mentioned are run by the same person and/or are biased for the trader (i.e. a close friend), so try doing your own research for complete security.
Always Look at Scammer Lists
Typically at large trade centers like Jhonay's or Karla's, lists of known scammers coauthored by everyday Woozens are tagged on furniture or written on frames. In fact, Woozens are encouraged by these Unitz' owners to notify them about these scammers (usually accompanied by video/picture proof) on their wall. These lists are considered unreliable by Woozworld and may be inexact, but for the most part, these lists cover the majority of scammers already found. It is always safe to check these lists before moving any further in a trade, even if the trader isn't named on that list.
I hope this advice will help you in your everyday trades! Let me know on Woozworld if there are any inaccuracies of this post.
Until next post,
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