18 February 2017

Throwback: The old trends of Woozworld!

Over time, Woozworld fashion trends have shifted a lot! Here's a look back at some past memories that old Woozens will definitely remember:

1.) Manganese Cat Eyes
To explain it all in one sentence, this was the Doll Face of 2014.
3.) Princess Mya's hair
Most copies of the hair were red, but a select few were colorable (as I remember.) Compared to the hairstyles of today's Woozworld, this one much less volumious. People loved the hair back in 2014, and it was common to see.

4.) Polka-dot tops with Adventurz shorts and Urbanz fur boots
For some reason, everybody loved this outfit combination. Will we ever know the real name of these fluffy boots (there were, somehow, two different names for them,) or why we liked to have a flashlight and a bag attached to our legs? Maybe not, but I still think it looks pretty cool.

5.) Rebellion hair
Nearly everyone had one of these. Popular colors were classic ones picked right out of the color spectrum that shows up when you color something, and color codes were rare.

In honor of the 2014 theme of this post, here is the oldest signoff photo I've ever had...

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