17 December 2015

Best WoozStart ever for Beginners

Hi guys... It's Dianemiggiecel here for another top 3 tips :)

Woozworld is a very big world. A very big world where you and other people meet. In woozworld, nothing is impossible. You can be someone popular, you can be a fashion trademark, you can be a Fashionista and a big trendsetter. You can fall in love in woozworld too, you can have your own group and other more.

But as they say "all things have their own beginnings" you cannot be a popular and influential woozen just in a sitting. You need to work hard at it.

So here are my Top 3 tips For your Best WoozStart ever :)

1. Look best for the first impressions- There are variety of choices in garments when you are making an account. Be creative. Try to mix and match these garments for a better appearance. Making your own color combination is also a good suggestion.

2. Be Friendly- When there are woozens Pc'ed you randomly, be nice. Answer it and enjoy your conversation.. Be true to yourself... Don't act like a kind of person which you are really not. You will enjoy woozworld if you are being yourself.

3. Set a target for your own money (wooz or beex) before you buy something. - there are many ways to get wooz or beex and make them grow. Like building a shop, actively doing stuffs in activity center and levelling up your preztige level. Set a target goal before you buy something, it will help you earn money easily.

Hope you like it

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