12 June 2013


Hey guys! JennetteV here blogging like a blogger! As you probably notice I am using the blogger app again.
I'm just too lazy to walk up to my computer. Sorry XD
Ok so when jessc53534 explained about the temporary ban/xoxobubblegum. I was confused until KpKeila explained things out, then I thought if I was confused maybe they were too so let me explain to you what happened. Ok so xoxobubblegum has her own blog. So she decided to come on the chatroll signed into a different account and she did addz for her blog. Then she switched back onto her blog and told the person to stop. But it was all very obvious and rude in my opinion. I just wanted to explain this to you because I was really confused. Xoxobubblegum is now on a Temporary Ban, which is when you either don't post for two weeks or do addz or some other severe thing. If you have any questions about this situation comment below or contact me on Woozworld. I hope you have apologized xoxobubblegum, I also hope to see you back and blogging. Also sorry for the long post. Outz! XD

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