22 March 2016

Easter Items, Birthday Party, and Thank You's!

Hello guys and gals, Audrey here and today, we're talking about the Easter items! I personally love all of the items, and they could be used for roleplays or adoption centers very easily, no matter the season! But of course, everything has a flaw, sadly. Even worse, I can't find many flaws in these kawaii items, but I'll manage!
This is the unit I came up with. It's not good quality of a picture, I admit, but you can find this unit (Easter Item Display) until April 1st, also known as my birthday. So, I love how it's so nature-y, but you can have too many plants in your garden. If you use these items, it'll be an insane garden. There is also items that any person would put inside, such as the Chick Chair, and the Stuffed Animals, and of course the Kyoot Rug and Bunny Rug, and that's not even half of them, but all together, I think they clash really well. I thought the Easter theme looked the best with the Amusement Park unit, and I thought correct! The natural, yet very typical WoozWorld designed unit. I absolutely love this unit, but not everything can last forever. I will be using this unit for my birthday party this year, on April 1st, so don't miss it! I will let everyone go out into the unit instead of just being stuck in between the planters. Now, here's the worst part, and yes, this is as bad as you're thinking. There's only one item-Square Planter Box-that is available in Beex! Yes, (almost) everything is sold for Wooz only, which means newer players or non-members will not be able to get a lot of it before time runs out, because they don't get as much daily Wooz. I had about 3,083 Wooz when I started buying all of the Easter items (not including the costume) , and now, I only have 3 Wooz. The cheapest Wooz item was the Cobblestone Path, which is shown in front of the bunny hedge in the picture above.
So, off of the topic, this will be the unit I will be using to celebrate my 11th birthday party, on the 1st of April. I know that's April Fool's Day, but I was born that day, so please do not be offensive or pull pranks if you decide to come. The unit will be demolished after then, so please come before it is. I don't want gifts if you can't afford it, it's all up to you, but if so, gift me rather then trading me.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading this. Happy Easter!

I couldn't ask for any better for a gift than getting the opportunity to be here to blog for you all. I know I haven't been on here that long and I was grounded recently, and that this is only my second post, but this makes me so happy to be here. Thank you all for reading my posts, and just know that I'll be happy as long as I am playing WoozWorld and posting for the happiness of you all. I couldn't possibly have any better than this. Thank you all, even if I might get some haters, I used to when I was a YouTuber. This, is much better than YouTube or Twitch. I feel way better and more cared for as a blogger without you hearing my voice or seeing my face cam, like in YouTube. I feel like I can really be myself here. Thank you all for being here and reading my posts.
-Audrey AKA Smartsassygirl

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