25 May 2013

Costume Day at The Woozworld Voice!

Hey everyone! It's kpkeila here again! Today I'm going to announce that today is officially Costume day for The Woozworld Voice! So, today, every blogger is required to do an update on their costume for Costume Day, describing what it is and showing a picture! JennetteV and I already showed our costume for the logo
(picture to the left) but later we will also be doing a update on our costume for costume day! But, I know what you're thinking. "Why is it Costume Day?" Well, a couple days back when I was checking the form results from the "Become a Member" section of The Woozworld Voice, I checked somebody's answer to the question, "What can we do to improve our blog?" And the answer was, "Maybe a pajama day... costume day, or maybe an opposite day?" And when reading that, the Costume day suggestion was really brought to my attention. So ever since Tuesday, I have been planning for today (Saturday, May 25, 2013) to be Costume Day!!! Now, all we have to do is wait until the bloggers show us their creativity with their costumes! That's it for today guys. Peace out!